Alexander Sergeev's blog

Talerka iOS 7.0 look&feel support

I did not only enjoy vacation during winter holidays. I worked hard on Talerka iOS application and we did release a new version which supports iOS 7-look and also features side menu.

The good things about side menu that it allows you to use much more space for content:

iOS Simulator Screen shot 18.01.2014, 16.42.16

more space on recipe screen – easier to read

iOS Simulator Screen shot 18.01.2014, 16.42.35

More space on search screen gave as a possibility to increase the heigh of table’s rows; thus, it became easier to tap on them


The bad thing is that I’ve broken (unintentionally) a iOS5 support. The update is on the way – after it becomes available the application will support all iOS vesrions from 5.0 to 7.0.


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